Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) aims to skill rural youth who are poor and provide them with jobs having regular monthly wages or above the minimum wages. It is one of the clusters of initiatives of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India that seeks to promote rural livelihoods. All candidates who hail from poor families, and are between the ages of 15 and 35 years, are eligible for the training programs.
Kudumbashree mission collaborate with Kottayam Social Service Society for the implementation of DDU GKY project. It was started on 2018 April. In the 3rd phase of the project Kottayam Social Service Society have conducted skill training to 420 youth (Accounts Using Tally-120, Sales Person Retail-150, Food and Beverage service steward -120, and Associate Desktop Publishing -30), and we have successfully completed the training of 362 students. Now 25 students are undergoing training in FOOD AND BEVERAGE course and successfully completed the placement of 200 students.
(A Skill Initiative of Kudumbasree)
YUVAKERALAM is the skill training and placement program of the Kerala State(Kudumbashree) .It occupies a unique position amongst other skill training programs, due to its focus on the rural poor youth and its emphasis on sustainable employment through the prominence and incentives given to post-placement tracking, retention and career progression. The project aims to impart placement linked skill training to Kerala’s 10,000 youth and make them into an economically independent and globally relevant workforce. Expression of Interest is invited from reputed organizations for placement linked Skill Training under YuvaKeralam implemented by Kudumbashree.
We the Kottayam social service society implements this project on 24th November 2020.We have conduct skill training to 240 youth(Retail Sales Associate-60,Food and Beverage service steward-120,Associate Desktop Publishing-60) and we have successfully completed the training of 60 students of Associate Desktop Publishing. Then we offered job for 32 students. The course has 3month duration including training and it’s a zero cost programs.