KSSS working with differently-abled people for positive change…..
When we look back, at our 25 years of service, towards the differently-abled people. We have been blessed with the smiles of thousands of such differently-abled who made a mark in the society beyond their expectation. We are proud to state that we are motivated and inspired by our achievements, by keeping up our aim of bringing a positive impact in the life’s of our brothers and sisters who are the victim of physical and mental disability.
Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) has been advocated by KSSS since 25 years as the core strategy to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is a strategy within community development for the rehabilitation, equalization and social integration of all children and adults with disabilities. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of differently-abled people, their families, communities, appropriate health, education, vocational and social services. KSSS promotes the notion of ‘Community Based Rehabilitation’ with the aim to create positive attitude towards people with disabilities and to motivate community members to support and participate in CBR activities.
Every year has been a challenge in our journey; we retained our focus on our vision to build a world in which all differently-abled can live a full and active life, like the other members of the society. People with disability are always our priority and we are honored to be able to walk along side with them in their journey.
In 2011 as an extended wing of CBR, KSSS initiated Community Based Rehabilitation Program for Persons with Deafblindness (PwDbs) and Multiple Disabilities (MD) as a model program in the state with the support of Sense International India. It functions as Deafblind State Centre for Deafblindness in Kerala. Through this program KSSS expanded services throughout the state for the PwDbs/MD by providing direct services and by capacitating and networking the services of Samagra Shiksha Kerala, NGO partners working with Persons with Disabilities etc transforming the lives of persons with deafblindness.
Deafblindness is a combination of vision and hearing impairment and it leads to communication, mobility, development and educational problems. Many children who are deafblind have residual vision or hearing and majority of them have associated conditions and need a special set up in their Classrooms to utilize residual abilities, interaction with immediate environment & develop communication skills. To cater the need based interventions Good Samaritan Resource Centre at Cherpunkal and , Kottayam was established to impart specialized trainings in a specialized set up to provide Sensory Stimulation, Sensory Trainings (Vision Stimulation Trainings, Auditory Trainings), Tactile trainings, Water Therapy, Sand Therapy, Music Therapy and other therapeutic services.
Specialized Services of Good Samaritan Resource Centre for Deafblindness
The opening ceremony of CBR Silver Jubilee Celebrations was held on July 18th 2022 at Good Samaritan Resource Centre, Cherpunkal.It was a get together for the differently abled people, their families and people working for the welfare of persons with disability.The day started with seminar and concluded with public meeting and stage show by children with disabilities including children with deafblindness. The opening inaugural ceremonyincluded launching of various Special Welfare Programs for the differently abled persons. The inauguration session was graced by eminent personalities from the social, political, cultural and religious realms.
The Major programmes of Community Based Rehabilitation Programme are the following:
Self Help Groups for the Persons with Disabilities
As part of the community based rehabilitation programmes, we have been organizing SHGs for the differently-abled people in our operational villages. They meet once in two weeks, share their problems, offer mutual support, and start income generation programmes for self-sufficiency. The SHG members include the disabled persons and their parents. So far we have organized 60 SHGs for the Disabled people in 60 villages of our operational districts
The district wise profiles of SHGs of people living with disabilities promoted by KSSS are as follows:
District | No: of Villages | No.of SHGs | Women | Men | Total |
Kottayam | 41 | 44 | 486 | 321 | 807 |
Idukki | 4 | 6 | 107 | 104 | 211 |
Ernakulam | 5 | 9 | 179 | 165 | 344 |
Alapuzha | 8 | 17 | 211 | 183 | 394 |
Total | 58 | 76 | 983 | 773 | 1756 |
As part of Community Based Rehabilitation Program, KSSS organized ‘Assessment Eye Camp’ for differently-abled people in Kottayam, Alapuzha and Ernakulam districts with the aim to identification of people having vision. Around 148 differently-abled people from the operational areas of KSSS had undergone an ophthalmological screening78 members were diagnosed with eye problem and referred for further treatment.
Early Screening Programme
KSSS organized central level medical camps for the children with disabilities in every three months including Children with Deafblindness and MD. Children having intellectual impairment and physically challenged participated in the camps. Those who need further treatment were referred to the Hospital. They have been getting treatment assistance from concerned department. The camps are led by Ophthalmologist, Neurologist etc.
Medical assistants played vital role in the healthcare of differently abled children. Children with disabilities frequently have immeasurable diverse medical troubles and are therefore being treated and cared for by specialists of special disciplines. In order to promote better health for differently abled children KSSS provided financial assistance to 146 differently abled children to avail medical treatment and medication according to their disabilities. Enhanced and habitual treatment through our support helped the children to be healthier and reduced the occurrence of sickness.
Accessible means able to be reached or used. Accessibility is an important issue for all concerned with the built environment, especially for disabled people. An accessible environment is one, which allows people to move around safely, independently, and without restriction. This will increase their productivity and encourage their self-reliance. We have supplied assistive devices to the selected members to make them accessible. The assistive devices include wheel chairs, caliper shoes, wheelchairs etc. These helped the recipients to move and to take part in social gatherings. It also helped them to contribute in the household matters and for doing their own personal things .In this year KSSS has distributed 92 assistive devices to the needy people.
Regular physical therapy programme provided of our physically challenged children with opportunities to reach their optimal functional ability at certain extent. Treatment included activities and exercises for strengthening, stretching, range of motion, relaxation, endurance, head and trunk control, gait training etc. It also helped the 138 differently abled children to shrinkpain, improving joint mobility, increasing strength and coordination through centre based and home based training. Through this therapy differently abled children are benefited of a variety of different exercise and activities such as: Crawling and Walking, Flexibility exercises to increase range of motion, Balance and coordination activities and Adaptive play.
Speech is one of the greatest challenges faced by differently-abled children. Speech therapy is an intervention service that focuses on improving a child’s speech and abilities to understand and express language, including nonverbal language. 121 differently abled children are getting speech therapy through centre based and home based. It helped the child to pick up normal speech habits and a constructive outlook towards vocal communication. It assisted the differently abled children to enlarge the capability to articulate their requirements and wants etc.
As part of Community Based Rehabilitation Program, KSSS organized ‘Assessment Camp’ for Vision’ at to Eye Camp’ for differently-abled people at Chaithanya Pastoral Centre in association with Little Flower Hospital, Angamaly. Special Educators Around 148 differently-abled people from the operational areas of KSSS had undergone an ophthalmological screening and 78 members were diagnosed with eye problem and referred for further treatment.
It is important to get MMR to reduce the risk of becoming infected with rubella which can pass on to the unborn child, causing Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) which is one of the major cause for deafblindness. CRS can cause severe birth defects, vision, hearing and neurodevelopment problems.Rubella is a contagious disease caused by a virus.It can lead to serious complications, especially for unborn babies. Adolescent girls and women before planning for pregnancy should confirm they had Rubella Vaccination for prevention of rubella.
We are conducting mother and child health programmes in the operational villages of KSSS. All the SHG women, especially mothers of young womenwere focused in the training. We organized Mother and Child Health camps in all project villages. The programme was organized in association with Little Lourdes Hospital, Kidangoor and Caritas Hospital, Thellakom, local PHC and the doctors took classes for the participants. Mothers were enriched with care and precautions in pregnancy, prenatal, and Postnatal. They were also trained in preparation of nutritious food and immunization programmes for children. The programme also helped us to identify the disabled in the villages. Subjects like care of pregnant mothers, child rearing, care of lactating period and preparation of nutritious food for children.
Surgeries helps the differently abled to reduce the severity of disability. KSSS usually supports Cochlear implantation surgeries (under the government schemes), Orthopedic surgery and Eye surgery.
Home Based & Central Based Training
Clinical & Functional Assessments will be conducted to gather all the information of the individual and family, assess the individual, specific health conditions, present conditions, development delay and functional level. Based on these informations an Individual Education Plan is prepared for each child to provide systematic trainings and education. The trainings and education are planned A file containingEach child will have a file with medical and other records and an “Individual Education Plan’ (IEP) will be developed for the training children to record the present condition, trainings given and evaluate the progress of the child.
Home Based & Centre Based Vocational Trainings:
School interventions serve as a crucial pathway for fostering inclusivity within mainstream education and society. These interventions involve the development of academically functional concepts designed to attain educational objectives. The Right to Education has opened doors, ensuring free and mandatory education for children with disabilities in mainstream schools. The children with disabilities are enrolled in the regular schools under the Samagra Shiksha Kerala scheme.This positive developments not only offers an opportunity for education but also creates an environment conducive to inclusive learning within our society. Here, children with deafblindness partake in the same curriculum, facilitated by adaptation and tailored teaching strategies
The journey towards economic independence commences with the careful selection of suitable vocational trades for young adults with disabilities. Pre-vocational trainings are provided to cultivate specific skills in these young adults with disabilities, catering to their needs for self-sufficiency and enabling them to actively contribute as valued members of society.The vocational training approach encompasses a diverse curriculum, including training in independent living, effective communication, soft skills, and finance management. After successful completion of vocational training programs, adults with disabilities are empowered to establish Income Generation Activities (IGAs). These IGAs comprise small enterprises, animal husbandary, tailoring etc managed and operated by differently abled persons with the support of family members. Grants from Panchayath and donation from villagers also was used by the village development committee for the promotion of IGP
Career Awareness for the Differently-Abled
Kottayam Social Service Society has always taken a lead role to provide career opportunities for differently abled person to attain self reliance. A one day Employment Awareness and Special Employment Registration workshop was organized by K.S.S.S in association with Kottayam District Special Employment Office.As part of awareness, a seminar was conducted on ‘Employment Opportunities and Special Coaching Services for Persons with Disabilities’ by Mrs Sonia A.M, District Special Employment Officer. Umbrella Registration was conducted for differently able persons for new registration as well as for renewal of registration.
Helen Keller Day Observations
Helen Keller Day commemorationwas organized on 26 June under the leadership of Kottayam Social Service Society – the State Learning Centre for Deafblindness in collaboration with Sense International India and Azim Premji Foundation. The event was held to remember Helen Keller, an exemplary figure who defeated deafness and blindness and became a model for persons having deafblindness all over the world. During the event, a comprehensive and uplifting program was organized for individuals with disabilities, including the distribution of medical equipment and essential medicines, education kits. Different competitions were organized for the deafblind persons and their parents.
The Best Trainer Award for Parents’ was bagged by Mrs. Latha Philip and the prizes for the online competitions held for the deafblind persons were given to the winners in the meeting.
Down Syndrome Day Organized
‘Leave No one Behind’
March 24 is the World Down Syndrome Day for the children born with a genetic defect during mutation Down syndrome has become one of the most recognizable forms of mental disability in the world. According to the United Nations, Down Syndrome affects 1 out of every 800 births in the world. Down Syndrom Day was organized under the leadership of Kottayam Social Service Society in collaboration with Catholic Health Association. The aim of the programme was to raise public awareness and create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down Syndrome. The day was celebrated with lot of fun activities and cultural programmes by Children with Down Syndrome.
Celebration of World Disabled Day
KSSS as a step to promote the advocacy for the differently-abled has celebrated World Disabled Day on December 3rd .The group members organized various competitions and cultural programmes to make the day more colorful. In the afternoon we organized a seminar on disability and rehabilitation .Rally with placards organized by the group was a great means for awareness creation. CBR meet organized in the regional level also was a mean to bring the differently-abled to the mainstream of the society.
Worker is visiting her every client periodically. Training is planned for each client depends on the density of the disability. Worker visits a child minimum once in a week and number of visits increases based on the need. As the parents and siblings of the client’s get skilled in training worker reduces the number of visits and concentrates new clients. During the house visit, the field workers made village surveys for finding out the differently-abled in the villages and they shared the concept of CBR to the family members.
A livable shelter is one of the most basic amenities in human life. KSSS has been working in the project villages for the last 15 years. We have identified that many members in the Disabled community do not have livable houses and that this affects their normal life and their health. Even though they have houses, it lacks disabled-friendly facilities, which make the person with disabilities in that house immobile. We have supported 50 differently-abled members for upgrading their house as disabled friendly. The beneficiaries were the members of the SHGs of Disabled promoted by KSSS. We were constructed houses with co-operation of panchayath under the scheme of ‘LIFE”. KSSS provided technical guidance regarding the construction aspects and also training programme for panchayath officials. The beneficiaries adopted their own innovative and indigenous techniques at various stages of the works to make the repair processes cost-effective. The Self-help group members shared their knowledge in the construction aspects and rendered possible support by the labour to the partner self-help group’s members.
We gave assistive devices such as wheelchairs, caliper shoes, crutches, walkers and three-wheeler cycles to the disabled persons. But on evaluation of the usage of assistive devices; we came to know that most of the differently-abled persons are not using assistive devices because of absence of ramps in the houses and handrails in the toilets. So in this context we were constructed ramps, paths, and handrails for the needy differently-abled. We were constructed ramps, paths, handrails with the support of the Panchayaths; 50% of the total cost would be taken by the panchayaths and remaining would be taken by KSSS as part of local contribution.
KSSS organized two days Minnaminni Camp on May 21st & 22nd, 2022 under the Community Based Rehabilitation Programme. The camp was organized to provide the participants barrier free outdoor experiences that would foster their personal growth and independence. The first day included Ice breaking session, good habits and Sex Education classes. As part of the exposure visit, the differently abled children including deafblind children visited Milma unit at Vadavathoor. They also visited the park and enjoyed swings. The other activities were camp fire, craft work and children were taken for a movie as well. In the validactory function of the camp gifts were given to all the children.
Every year, exposure visits and outings are organized for children, adults, and parents of persons with disabilities. These outings aim to provide relaxation, enjoyment, and an opportunity for learning while allowing participants to explore the world around them. Visiting different places becomes a valuable experience, enriching their understanding and broadening their perspectives.
Staff Training
Professional level training is very essential for those who are involving in CBR activities. They need deep knowledge on various aspects of disability. The Special Educators and fieldworkers got training of different aspects of disability such as Personality Development, Mental Illness, Pachayath Raj Act, Role of a CBR worker, RPWD Act, Development-A modern perspective, Assessment of CBR SHGs Besides, they were given follow up training so that they could update their knowledge and approach. Persons with Disability Act, Mental Health Act, Right Based approach, National Trust Act, Psycho-social problems of family members of a person with disabilities were discussed in the training. Besides these trainings staff also attend National and Regional Trainings.
Advocacy is a key component that involves shaping policies and practices to create positive outcomes for persons with disabilities including persons with deafblindness to bring meaningful changes. Through this process, individuals with deafblindness and their families are empowered to take charge of their lives, make informed choices, and access essential services. They are also supported to gain representation and participate fully as active members of society.
Navachaithanya Federation Meeting
Navachaithanya Federation is the body which workstowards the inclusion of disabled individuals in all aspects of society, including education, employment, culture, and social lifeadvocating for the rights, welfare, and well-being of persons with disabilities.It consists of 8 Executive Leaders from CBR Groups and the meeting is organized once in every month. They discuss about the policies and future course of action. The meeting keeps them updated about opportunities for action and promotion of rights of people with disabilities.
Networks Meetings
The Network meetings of Parents, Adults and Teachers are organized with the aim to strengthen local networks by addressing their needs at the local level. Over time, it became evident that local family networks are more effective in addressing local needs compared to national or regional networks. This effectiveness stems from their ability to respond promptly within the community setup. Regular Trainings are also provided to the Network members to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
State Level Advocacy Meetings
The state advocacy meetings are conducted every year. The state stakeholders ‘meeting that aims to discuss and develop innovative approaches to addressing the rehabilitation needs of people with deafblindness. Through this meeting we aim to converge with initiatives of relevant state government departments, skill development agencies, and civil society organisations for inclusion of persons with disabilities. Our collective mission is to ensure that every child and adult with disabilities including deafblindness has access to good quality appropriate rehabilitation options. In order to achieve our objectives we hold state advocacy meetings to create synergies with all the stakeholders.
Special Gramasabha
Special Gramasabha was conducted at Njeezhoor, Uzhavoor and Manjoor villages region. The main objective of the meeting was to conscientize the villagers on the provisions for ensuring the rights of the differently—abled in the respective Panchayaths future action plans were discussed and planning of projects. Members who were part of this special meeting were Panchayath Presidents, members, Panchayath Secretary and CBR staff. It was an interactive session and included especially parents of the differently-abled members of KSSS’ CBR groups.
Inter Face Meetings with PRIs
An Interface meeting was organized for the persons with disabilities including persons with deafblindness & multiple disabilities under the leadership of Kottayam Social Service Society. The Interface program aimed at providing opportunities to sensitize the three tier panchayat officials about the needs and rights of differently abled persons in collaboration with Uzhavoor, Kidangoor, Kaduthuruthy, Athirmapuzha, Kumarakom and Thiruvarppu Gram Panchayats. Along with the representatives from three tier panchayats – village, block and district panchayats, Navachaitanya Vikalanga Federation Secretary, Panchayat Ward members and officials from Department of Health, Women and Child Development etc participated in the program. This programme was also an opportunity for the panchayat representatives to understand the needs of differently abled persons especially of persons with deafblindness and multiple disabilities to plan better schemes for them along with the protection of the rights of the differently abled. This also created a stage for the persons with disabilities and their parents to their concerns and plan welfare activities for the differently abled persons.