KSSS in association with German Medical Aid Organization & Andheri Hilfe distributed Portable High-tech Water Purifier Unit at Kumarakom, Olassa, Peroor, East Nattassseri, in Kottayam district and Veliyanadu, Kannamkara in Alappuzha district as part of flood rehabilitation activities. Mar Mathew Moolakkatt (Archbishop of Kottayam Archdiocese, Patron of Kottayam Social Service Society) inaugurated the distribution of Portable High-tech Water Purifier. Fr. Sunil Perumannor (Executive Secretary, KSSS), Mrs. Beena Binu (Block Panchayath President, Ettumanoor), Mr. Joy Unnukallel (Muncipal Chairman, Ettumanoor) delivered speech in the occasion. The unit has the capacity to purify 1200 liter water per day without the help of electricity and chemicals. KSSS also distributed Micro Filter Unit for house hold purpose in the occasion.