The 7th Annual High Range Agricultural Fest (Swasraya Haritha Mela) was held at KSSS Regional Office, Thadiyampadu on May 21st. Harithamela started with a spectacular rally of the SHG members accompanied with the participation of Shingarimelam troupe and villagers in bright fancy–dresses. Various competitions for different sections like famers, women etc. were conducted in different venues. These included preparing ginger-cultivation plots, juggling, etc.Saleof birds and animals, display and sale of various flowers and vegetables etc. were also arranged in the Mela ground. One of the main attractions of the fair was the distribution of Solar Lamps. The Green Valley Development Society – initiated by the Kottayam Archeparchy to cater services for the holistic development of the High Range region – was inaugurated by Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kottayam. The Smart Group Education Support Scheme for smart group children ofHighRangeregion was also inaugurated in the public meeting by Sri. Roshy Augustine MLA. People from different fields participated in the annual fest.
Hens of different breeds such as Kalinga brown, Gramapriya etc. were distributed at subsidised rates.
Medical camps were also arranged in the farm fest. Doctors fromSt. John’sHospital Eye care, Kattapana andMarGregoriousDentalCollege, Kothamangalam rendered services in Eye camps and dental camps. Around 3500 people participated in the grand fair at Thadiyampadu