For the last 20 years, onwards KSSS is actively serving in the field of WASH development. With the support of the government and other funding agencies, KSSS has done the following programs
Water Conservation Programmes
Rainwater Pits or Trenches
Trenches are a major component of the Natural Resource Management Programme in Midland and Highland areas. As we all know, rainwater harvesting pits slows down rainwater run-off and makes it available in the soil instead. This thus contributes significantly to the availability of water down the year. The experiments have proved that by constructing trenches we can increase the underground water level to have water in our open wells during summer. A major percentage of the rainwater we get in the rainy season is lost especially in the hilly regions because of not having blocked and unfiltered it down to our land. This helps to conserve water in the underground and we will be able to get enough water in summer. Therefore, KSSS promoted trenches in the drought areas. So far KSSS supported the villages to dig 130000 trenches in their households.
Renovation of well
The wells in the project area used to dry up during the summer seasons. It is possible to extend the availability of the water from these wells for 2 to 3 months more by deepening. Deepening of wells up to 5 feet will provide potable water in the wells for 3 more months in the summer seasons. Because of the geographical peculiarities of the high land area, the sides excavated shall be protected with concrete rings to avoid side sliding. We have supported more than 400 people for the renovation of unused well. This programme helps to avail drinking water in the house premises. This well reduces the drudgery of women to collect water from long distance.
Rain water harvesting Tanks for safe water
KSSS has built rain water harvesting tanks in the areas which are severely affected by droughts. As an experiment to find a solution to the drinking water problems of the poor, we have constructed rainwater-harvesting tanks each with a minimum capacity of storing 10000 liters of water. We have also provided awareness classes in the village level on the usefulness, cost and other technicalities of the tanks. So far we have constructed 1195 tanks of 10000 liters capacity, 745 tanks of 5000 liters two tanks with the capacity of 75000 litters and the largest one we have so far made is the one which has the capacity of 1.2 lakh litters of water in the compound of Caritas hospital.
With step by step action, KSSS has completed the construction of 350 Rainwater harvesting tanks at Velliamattom, 350 tanks at Kokkayar panchayth 150 tanks in Peruvanthnam panchayth of Idukki District with the support of Rainwater Department of Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (KRWSA)
Well Recharging
KSSS successfully Implemented well-recharging under Jalanidhi project in Marangattuapally Panchayth,Kottayam. Under the project a total of 900 well-recharging systems were implemented.
Soil and Water Conservation Photography Contest
In order to promote the soil and water conservation activities, KSSS organized a competition for SHG members. The contestants had to give the best the photo on soil and water conservation activities undertaken as a family along with a catching caption. Each contestant was allowed to send up to three pictures. A panel of experts scrutinized the photos received with captions and the winner was awarded in the public meeting.
Construction of Check Dams
Two check dams were constructed in the villages of Marika and Thadiyampad with the support of Andheri Hilfe-Bonn, Germany for the utilization of the villagers in these areas for agriculture and household purposes.
Stone Bund Protection
Contour stone bunding consists of constructing narrow-based trapezoidal embankments (bunds) on contours (contour lines) to impound runoff water behind them so that all the impounded water is absorbed gradually into soil profile for crop use. The design of a contour bunding system involves the determination of the spacing between the bunds, the cross sectional elements of a bund and the type and dimensions of the surplus system. This activity is taken up in areas with mild slopes. This is an effective measure for soil and water conservation in this area. The contour furrows so created would form a multitude of mini barriers across the flow path of the run off which improves the detention storage in situ. This activity will increase the water table and discharge. KSSS has constructed 22000 meter square of stone bund with the support of CAPART, INRM and SPED in Idukki and Kottayam district.
Soil Bund with Vegetative Measures
Soil bund with vegetative measures is the most feasible programme, both technically and financially, to put a control to increasing soil erosion. Soil bunding with vegetative plantation will give more strength to the bunding and reduce the intensity of running water and help to penetrate the slow down water into the earth. The roots of vegetative plantation will hold the soil from edge sliding. This will reduce soil attrition to a very great extend. As part of the soil and water conservation, we have promoted 110000 square meter soil bunding in the Idukki district.
Renovation of pond
In some areas the ponds have been wasted away by people dumping waste from the households into the ponds. Through the proposed activity such ponds in the project villages will be identified and cleaned up so as to make available these spaces for water harvesting and thus upgrading to the ecological balance in the regions.
Kottayam Social Service Society successfully implemented Jalanidhi – World Bank assisted ‘Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project’ of State Government of Kerala. The project is being implemented with the aim to increase the access of rural communities to improved and sustainable water supply as well as sanitation services through a decentralized and demand – responsive approach.
KSSS became the partner organization in the year 2013 for implementing the project in Maragattupilly Panchayath, Kottayam. The main activities included construction of 900 well-recharging, and 3000 drinking-water programmes. 27 projects are being implemented in Maragattupilly under the Jalanidhi Project.
Water, Sanitation, Health & Hygiene (WASH)
The WASH aspects of the communities in Veliyanadu, Ramangari, Pandanadu, Thiruvamvandoor, Muttar and Thalavadi villages of Alappuzha district had totally collapsed during the floods. The water bodies were polluted, drinking water became scarce, and waste management was not proper. At this point KSSS initiated the promotion of WASH aspects in these floods affected communities with the help of OXFAM India. Awareness programs were conducted at the community level, school level, and SHG level. KSSS installed water filters in the villages, distributed sanitation kits and cleaning kits to the households, sent trained volunteers to the flood affected villages to clean their houses and premises. Also, KSSS chlorinated 500 wells and built 30 toilets. For the sustainability of the programme, 40 WASH committees were formed in the various villages.
Distribution of Portable High-tech Water Purifier
KSSS in association with German Medical Aid Organization and Andheri Hilfe distributed Portable High-tech water purifier units at Kumarakom, Olassa,Peroor and East- Nattasseri in Kottayam district and Veliyanadu and Kannamkara in Alappuzha district as part of its flood rehabilitation activities. Mar Mathew Moolakkatt (Archbishop of Kottayam and Patron of KSSS) inaugurated the distribution. Each unit has the capacity to purify 1200 liters of water per day. KSSS also distributed 200 micro filter units for households in the flood affected areas of Kottayam.
Water purifying units
In the aftermath of the floods in Kerala 2018, KSSS in association with OXFAM India provided water purifiers (AP 700) to the needy in Kumarangiri, Pulimukam in Veliyanad block of Alappuzha district. Fr. Sunil Perumanoor (Secretary, KSSS), Mr. Sharath Chandra Naik (Public Health Promoter, OXFAM), Mr. Paremeshwar Rao (Public Health Engineer, OXFAM), Ms. Shiny Laloo, Ms. Leena Sibichan, Ms. Sheeba Joseph and self help group members were present during the distribution.
Wells Cleaning Campaign
As a part of flood relief activities, KSSS in collaboration with Oxfam India organized cleaning and restoration of contaminated wells at Neercadu and Aarmanur villages of Kottayam district. The campaign was organized with an aim to prevent the spread contagious diseases to the flood affected areas. The activities included cleaning sand sedimentation through motor, chlorination, sand pumping and white washing of wells. Ms. Tini Ninan (EFSVL Assistant, OXFAM), Mr. Subin Chacko Sunny (PHE Assistant), Mr. Navajith (Project Coordinator, OXFAM), Mrs. Sreenidhi Harikumar (EFSVL Assistant, OXFAM), Mrs. Shiny Lalu (PHE Assistant) and Mr. Jithin Jose (Voluntary staff. OXFAM), Mrs. Biji Jose (Coordinator, KSSS) and Mrs. Aniamma George (KSSS Animator) coordinated the programme.
Sanitation Programmes
Toilet Construction
KSSS Jalanidhi Project in collaboration with Suchitwa Mission constructed 97 toilets at Marangattupilly Panchayth. Under this scheme, the assistance is limited to household’s belongings to economic weaker sections and has no sanitary latrines. Through various planning meetings surveys and persevering efforts in 14 wards of the panchayth, sanitation systems were built in 97 houses. During the public meeting held as part of “World Literacy Day “on September 8, 2016 Maranagattuapally was declared as a Panchayth with total sanitation by Adv.Mons Joseph MLA.
Proto type Toilets
As part of its flood rehabilitation programs, Kottayam Social Service Society in association with Oxfam India provided fifty proto type toilets to the people of Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts.
Hygiene Promotion Programmes
Street Play on Hygiene Awareness
In an attempt to spread awareness about the importance of cleanliness, Kottayam Social Service Society in association with Oxfam India organized street plays in Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts. The street plays focused on conscientizing the public about health and hygiene practices, food safety and waste management. KSSS women Shingarimelam team played in the background and attracted public attention to the street play.
Health and hygiene awareness campaign
Kottayam Social Service Society in collaboration with Oxfam India and Moms Magic organized a health and hygiene awareness campaign at Peringara, Nedumbran, Niranam, Kadapra and Eraviperoor panchayaths of Pathanamthitta district. Health awareness seminars were taken by Mrs. Mamata Pradhan (Public Health Promotion Officer, Oxfam), Mrs. Shiney Lalu (PHP Assistant) and Mrs. Leena Sibychan and Mr. Jimil Thomas (Field Supervisors, KSSS). The programme covered the topics such as healthy habits, food safety, and waste management. Games were conducted and almost all of the 300 participants who gathered on the occasion pledged to conserve water as part of the campaign.
Health and Hygiene Marathon Awareness
With the support from Oxfam India, KSSS organized marathons in Pathnamthitta and ldukki Alappuzha districts to create awareness on the significance of health and hygiene. Students from Prince Marthandavarma School, Peringara of Pathanamthitta district and students from Kidangara Higher Secondary School, Alappuzha district participated in the marathons. Mrs. Shashikala Devi (Headmistress, Prince Marthandavarma School) flagged off the marathon organized from their School to Peringara Junction of Pathanamthitta district. The other marathon that was conducted from Government Higher Secondary School, Kidangara in Alappuzha district was flagged off by Mr. Narayanan A.K., Headmaster and ended at Kidangara Junction. Mr. Christopher Philip (Vice President, Peringara Grama Panchayath) and Mr.M.P. Sajeev (Ward Member,Veliyanadu) delivered the Keynote messages. Mr. Thomaskutty K.Mavelil (Project Officer, OXFAM), Mr. Jimil Thomas (Project Coordinator, OXFAM) and Mrs. Leena Sibichan (Animator, KSSS) coordinated the programme. The participant students were given gifts as incentives.

Mom’s Magic Hands Campaign for Secure Health

For securing public health, Kottayam Social Service Society in association with Oxfam organized Mom’s Magic Hands campaign in the Panchayaths of Ramankary, Ward 5 of Veliyanad Panchayath, Muttar, Pandanadu panchayaths and Kunnamkary of Alappuzha district and Niranam, Kadappra and Nedumpuram panchayaths of Pathanamthitta district. Hygiene, healthy practices, food safety measures and waste management strategies all were subjects of the Awareness campaign. Seminars and competitions were held to attract and maximize the participation. Altogether around 1500 homemakers from Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts attended the campaigns and received sanitation kits. Mrs. Mamta Pradan (Head, Oxfam Public Health Promotion), Mrs. Shiney Lalu (PHP Assistant), Mrs. Leena Sibichan (Field Supervisor, KSSS), Ms. Devika P. G., Ms. Tini Maria Nainan and KSSS volunteers effectively coordinated the series. Overall about fifty campaigns were organized in seven panchayaths of Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts.
‘Suchithvam 2019’- Awareness Campaign and Distribution of Sanitary Kit
Kottayam Social Service Society cordially with Emmanuel Hospital Association, Delhi organized health and hygiene awareness camp Suchithvam 2019-at Chaithanya Pastoral Centre Thellakom. Mr. Godwin Jose Kallath (EHA, representative) inaugurated the programme. Fr. Sunil Perumanoor (Executive Director, KSSS), Mr. Sijo Thomas (Programme Coordinator, KSSS), Mrs. Bessy Jose and Mrs. Jiji Joy (Coordinators, KSSS) delivered speech in the auspicious occasion Distribution of sanitary kits and seminar was also organized as part of the camp. Each kit included lotion, detergent powder, sanitary pad, soap, bucket, cup, antiseptic lotion, bed sheet and bleaching powder Around 300 families from Kidangoor region were the beneficiaries of the programme Mrs. Chinnamma Rajan, Mrs Biji Jose (Coordinators, KSSS) and the animators took the leadership of the distribution program.
Hygiene Kit Distribution for the prevention of COVID-19
KSSS in association with Oxfam India, Good share and Give 2 Asia distributed 6000 hygiene kits for the marginalized people in five districts of Kerala. The kit contains mask, dettol, floor cleaner, sanitizer, bathing soap, and detergent soap.