Kottayam Social Service Society (KSSS) is a registered charitable organization (Reg. K-15/1964) under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies’ Registration Act XII of 1955. The organization was registered in the year 1964 by the Archdiocese for delivering its social ministry.
The Catholic Health Association of India upholds its commitment to bring ‘Health for All’. KSSS’s extensive network comprising of 11 Regional Units, 1000 sister-doctors, 25000 sister-nurses and 10,000 plus para professionals effectively reach out to the needy and the poor across all states of the country.
SHGs to promot of small scale savings, credit union and loans
KSSS has supported farmers with supply of equipments, seeds and various events
Smart groups for students to help their academic programmes
Socio economic developmental programmes for widows in the society
Rehabilitation Programme for physically & mentally challenged
Executive Director
Assistant Director